Which Season is Better? An Ecocritical Approach to Debates on Seasons in Sumerian, Latin and Turkish Literatures
season, debate, comparative ecocriticism, pre-modern climate perception, dominationAbstract
This paper aims to determine how seasons are connected to humans, animals, and nature, and how they were evaluated in the ancient and early modern literatures in the light of literary debates. These types of work have previously been ascertained in various literatures from the West to East Asia. This paper examines a representative sampling of different literary traditions and geographies: The Debate between Summer and Winter from Sumerian literature, a Latin poem titled Conflictus Veris et Hiemis attributed to Alcuin of York from the Western literature, The Debate of Summerand Winter in Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk, and The Debate of Sultan Spring and Sovereign Winter by Lâmi‘î from the Eastern literature. Examining the aforementioned works with a comparative ecocritical method reveals the determining elements in the way communications occur between societies and nature, as wellas societies’ way of interpreting nature: through beliefs, culturalcodes, and geography. In addition, the debates of seasons offer a panorama of social hierarchy and its increasing intensity of domination of both women and nature, as wellasa new way of thinking about quenching the desire of domination.
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