Coveting a Friend’s Sustenance:
On a New Copy of Latîfî’s Tezkire
Latîfî, Tezkiretü’ş-Şu‘arâ, Âşık Çelebi, biography, method of book writing, alphabetical orderAbstract
This article examines Latîfî’s Tezkire, one of the early examples of Ottoman poetbibliography, in terms of some of its features. In light of the data provided by a copy of Tezkiretü’ş-şu‘arâ, which was inaccessible to researchers until recently, I clarify the issue of the tezkire’s composition method. A claim made by Âşık Çelebi (d. 979/1572) in his Meşâ‘irü’ş-şu‘arâ about the organization of Latîfî’s Tezkiretü’ş-şu‘arâ will be revisited and re-evaluated with the testimony of this copy. The manuscript has a number of introductions clearly showing that Latîfî (d. 990/1582) considered several different methods of classification/sorting while compiling his book. I show which of these methods was carried out, outline the organization, sections, and content of the book, and explain how it is distinguished from all other copies. I also seek answers to the question of whether the copy, which is the fruit of an immature draft, is the author’s autograph or not. Finally, I analyze Latîfî’s changing preferences while composing his work in the context of the tradition of biography writing.
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