Between Fear and Hope, Modernity and Nativism
The Positioning of Twentieth-Century Western Writers in Edebiyat Periodical
Literature, Nuri Pakdil, global literature, modernity, Islamic PerspectiveAbstract
This paper examines the strategies and challenges inherent in the periodical Edebiyat’s, which was published between 1969 and 1984, initiative to engage with global literatures, particularly Western ones. It scrutinizes the role Edebiyat ascribes to Western authors within the post-World War II historical context and investigates the magazine’s construction of its stance in relation to these authors. Promoting a literary perspective that is receptive to global discourse and societal engagement, the contributors of the magazine portray Western writers as discerning observers of the West’s perpetuated cycle of fear and violence, yet they fall short of offering definitive solutions. Concurrently, the writers assert their transcendence over their Western counterparts through a steadfast belief in their principles and allegiance to Islam. The article endeavors to depict how a native and Islamic literary tradition positions itself as an interpreter of Western literature, striving for comprehension without succumbing to external influences.
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