Forms of Greeting: Cases of English Travelers in Ottoman Bosnia




foreigner in a social contact, act of greeting, sociolinguistic competence, cultural context


Some English travelers who journeyed to the Ottoman Empire from the 16th to the 19th century also visited Bosnia and Herzegovina. They wrote in their travelogues about the events and impressions of the geographical area. Sections of those travelogues were published in Omer Hadžiselimović’s book At the Gates of the East: British Travel Writers on Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries (2001). The same book had been published earlier, in Serbo-Croatian (Na vratima Istoka: engleski putnici o Bosni i Hercegovini of 16. do 20. vijeka, 1989). In their travelogues, the authors would sporadically write in the source language the forms of greetings used in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time. This paper presents sequences of the travelogues containing the forms of greetings. It considers the social situations in which certain forms of greetings were used in the area they would visit, all in the original linguistic form. The author’s position as a foreigner is also considered with respect to the entire situation. Speech act theory is used as the framework for the analysis.


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How to Cite

Filan, Kerima. “Forms of Greeting: Cases of English Travelers in Ottoman Bosnia”. Zemin, no. 5 (June 21, 2023): 6–23. Accessed October 18, 2024.



Research Articles