The Meaning of Anthropomorphism, Encountering Their End: Non-Human Animals (Animot) in the Generation of 1950 Short Stories
1950 Generation Storytelling, Critical Animal Studies, Anthropomorphism, Anthropocentrism, Interspecies Narrative, FaceAbstract
While the generation of 1950 in modern Turkish literature indicates a break on the one hand, it is included in the generation terminology as it contains some similarities/ patterns on the other. Animal existences constitute one of the patterns in the storyline of the 1950 generation. Animals that talk, think, and act, as well as animals that cannot be interpreted and restrained as a result of the human gaze, find their place in the plot within the context of anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism, with its possibilities and limitations, can point to limits by problematizing the human-animal binary opposition. It can also make clearer the dichotomy of anthropomorphic assumptions. The use of anthropomorphism, which oscillates between boundaries and binary oppositions in stories, brings along with it discussions of ethics and aesthetics. On this point, with central questions like “How does the alienating effect of the inter-species narrative arise?” and “What kind of opening can confrontation / a mutual gaze provide?” this article opens up a discussion on ethics and aesthetics by drawing on perspectives offered by critical animal studies and through close readings.
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