Mahmûd Bedreddîn of the Sheikhs of Ushshakiyya and His Poems
Bedrî, Mahmûd Bedreddîn, Ushshakiyya, sufismAbstract
Mahmûd Bedreddîn was one of the Ushshakiyya sheikhs who lived in the 18th century. He worked as a sheikh in khanqah of Ushshakiyya located on Keçeciler Street in Fatih. While he lived there, the khanqah burned down in the Cibali fire of 1196/1782, shortly after which he died and was buried in the garden of the khanqah. Sources indicate that he wrote a Diwan, but that this book was burned in the fire. In the record of Cemaleddin Server Revnakoğlu, 18 of Mahmûd Bedreddîn’s poems, which were not found until today, were found in Mahmud Şevket Paşa and Miscellaneous Notes file number 263 in the Süleymaniye Library Revnakoğlu Collection. The aim of this study is to publish the text of Bedreddîn, who wrote poems under the pen name Bedrî, in order to examine his poems and present them to researchers.
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