Folk Linguistics in Istanbul:

The Perception of Dialectal Variation




perceptual dialectology, Turkish, sociolinguistics, cultural diversity, social identity, stereotypes


Despite its cultural diversity, Turkey remains a notable gap in the research map of folk linguistics and perceptual dialectology. This paper presents the results of a pilot study on the perception of dialectal variation conducted in Istanbul using the draw-a-map method. The proclamations of great dialectal diversity in Turkey notwithstanding, only a small minority of the respondents admitted to using a dialect themselves. Nonetheless, certain sociodemographic variables have been found to correlate with the selection of certain cities on the map. The discussion examines the potential linguistic and sociological factors influencing the responses, as well as the perception of dialectal variation in general. It emphasises the interplay between exposure, knowledge, and cultural diversity, and touches on the sociolinguistic context in Turkey.


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How to Cite

Karaköse, Gizem, and Kamil Stachowski. “Folk Linguistics in Istanbul:: The Perception of Dialectal Variation”. Zemin, no. 7 (June 28, 2024): 32–55. Accessed January 29, 2025.



Research Articles