About the Journal

Zemin: Literature Language and Cultural Studies

p-ISSN: 2757-7473

e-ISSN: 2980-1001

Zemin: Literature Language and Cultural Studies journal published 22 issues between 2010 and 2020 under the name Yeni Türk Edebiyatı = Modern Turkish Literature [ISSN: 1309-565X].

Zemin: Literature Language and Cultural Studies is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal publishing high-quality, original research. It is published semi-annually (June, December). Zemin accepts contributions in Turkish and English.

Zemin welcomes research articles on Turkish language and literature, folk literature, linguistics, literary and cultural history, and cultural studies. It also welcomes comparative studies that demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach to these fields. It also invites book reviews, research notes, and commentaries on documents.

Submitted research articles cannot have been previously published in any language and cannot be under consideration by other journals or publications.

Submitted manuscripts will first be examined for eligibility in terms of purpose, subject, content and style. Articles meeting the requirements will then be sent out to two peer reviewers specialized in the article’s field. The journal uses a double-blind peer review process, which means that both the author’s identity and the reviewer’s identity are concealed from each other. In cases where one review is positive while the other is negative, the Editorial Board may decide either to send the article to a third peer reviewer or to reject it.

Book reviews, research notes, and commentaries on documents will not be sent to peer reviewers. They will be evaluated by the field editors and the Editorial Board.

Any opinions and views expressed in the publications are exclusively the scientific and legal responsibility of the author(s).

Articles must be between 5,000 and 8,000 words. The word count excludes bibliography and block quotations. All transcriptions must be in Unicode font.

Essays must be headed by a 350-400-word abstract in Turkish and English and followed by 3 to 5 key words in the same languages.

The Editorial Board may suggest spelling changes, or it may alter spelling.

The journal conforms to Turabian/the Chicago Manual of Style. For further information, see Writing Rules.

About Book Reviews, Research Notes, and Documents

Book Reviews

Zemin encourages reviews on books on literature, language, cultural history, and literary history and books with an interdisciplinary approach to literature and related fields.

Reviews should focus on the book’s content, scope, argument and contribution to the scholarly field. The review should explain the author’s methodology and the book’s original contribution to its field, and its target audience. While evaluating the book’s achievements and weaknesses, criticism needs to be focused on the book—not the author—and to offer guidance for future studies.

Reviews should not exceed 1,500 words and adhere to the journal’s style and citation guidelines.

Research Notes

Zemin welcomes research notes relevant to the journal’s scope. Research notes are new information supplementing a previously published study, questions encountered during research that are not fully answered, findings that are not included in the research but can be useful for other studies, or findings from a work in progress that are important enough to be published immediately and then later turned into an article. Research notes can also address an unresolved question in search of an answer.

Comments on previously published research notes should be sent as “editöre mektup” (letter to the editor).

Research notes should not exceed 2,500 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography.


Zemin welcomes document submissions like archival documents, letters, and posters.

Manuscripts should include the full transcription or transliteration of the document in Unicode font. They should also include an introductory statement on the document and its contribution to the field within an academic and ethical framework.

A high-resolution image of the document should be sent attached to the manuscript.